AYO AYO AYO! I'm Baack!
It's Ya Blue Crew, Ya Aggie, Ya Scotsman comin' right at chu!
First off let me start off by saying I hope all is well with all of my readers. After a LONG LONG summer off I can officially say I am ready. This past week was the 1st week of the semester. WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL AGGIES!!!
I want to shout-out all the new freshmen and Good Luck to you on this, your first year at USU (the best kept secret in America! Hands down!) I pretty much spent most of this past week trying to get reacquainted with campus and after a summer break that could take some doing!

This year I am so excited because there is alot of fun stuff planned for this upcoming year, too much to write about! For example, AGGIE sports, USU Musicals, Campus life, Homecoming 2013, etc. just to name a few. I will try to keep all of you updated on the happenings, sights and sound that is my home, my place, my school, your "FUTURE" School: USU!!!
Even though I'm going into my third week here at USU it stills feels like I'm in the middle of the semester. Last week was Rush Week for Fraternities and Sororities. It was a great turn out, I find it awesome that students are finding the benefits of joining a Greek Organization. Also, the week before that was the W.O.W aka Week of Welcome! They had Josh Thompson perform, High Stakes Bingo, and the BIGGEST BLOOD BATTLE in the STATE where students donated blood! Its always a great way to get out of the rut of summer by going to the events during that week. Lastly, this is the week that I've been waiting for aka HOMECOMING!!! There will be the annual street paintings tonight followed by a chalk dance, MR. USU later on in the week, Homecoming parade, tailgate, & the football game this weekend!!! I am SoOoO excited for this week that I can't contain myself, but the more serious side is that this is usually the week for most students when we have to hand in our first BIG paper or take our first BIG exam! So don't be surprise if you see me ducking in and out of events early because I have to study! It's like I always say Work Hard, Play Hard!
Anyways I'm off, back to my studies I'm trying to kick this semester in the BUM!!! Go AGGIES!
Be Encouraged, Bleed Blue