Campus is blooming right now! The weather is warming up nicely and the forecast is saying sunny days! We are just a few weeks out from graduation and I can't wait. A lot of you are also getting ready for your proms and graduation practices right? Well one piece of advice I would give is to enjoy the time now. Life is better when you stop to smell the roses.
This Friday is one of my favorite shows on campus. The 14th Annual Step Show. Here at USU we have 3 Sororities and 6 Fraternities. I often meet students who wonder if Greek Life is for them. I always encourage students to check out each house and then you make the decision. However, at the Step Show this year the theme is "Step Back in Time" so you can expect some 80's, 90's maybe even some old school! All campus clubs and organizations are encouraged to perform. In the past we have had several guests performers from all over Utah. Maybe one day the Step Show will turn into the biggest in UT and we will have groups from all over come to USU to perform.
Peace & Blessings
Peace & Blessings